Thursday 6 November 2014

Feeling Accomplished

Bin Hill Selfie!
This week, admittedly after lots of phaffing I have mastered how to set up a Blog, Instagram and next on the list is working out hash tags, tagging people and any other useful or possibly useless apps. Not one for technology, all of the above are fairly major achievements in my world. I still write pen to paper in a diary and love to read a real book.
Thank you, I am enjoying being updated!

Of course on top of that I found, squeezed in some time to roll on two wheels. No plans, no structure, I just ride and venture out when time allows. Training is not a chore, it is time to enjoy some quiet, a little bit of me time. After the usual morning chaos of getting kids ready for school I am more than ready to jump on my bike, it has become a habit and part of my routine.

Looking West from the Top of Bin Hill
Tuesday was a shift to the darkside for me, clad in lycra I dropped the kids at school (not sure how long I will get away with that for) then off I went! Skies were dark, rain was imminent, no size of dark cloud would stop me. Seven miles in and the torrential downpour that filled the sky out at sea was now drenching me to the skin, someone had turned on the power hose. I found myself thinking why oh why.....!?

Continuing to pedal on, more than a little squelchy around the bottom by now I still had no clear answer. Being stubborn I happily squelched on for another fifteen soggy miles until I surrendered.

View from Top Cullen Bin Hill
The very moment I arrived in the driveway, I felt good, strangely satisfied to have survived the wet roads, leaves, potholes and minor rain tantrum. I was buzzing and raring to go with the rest of the day. I felt motivated! No matter how wet, cold or hard a ride is it sets me up for what the rest of the day throws at me.

Wednesday brought more wet and cold weather. I pulled out my mountain bike and headed up the Bin Hill which I can see from our house. Wet, slippy, soggy climbing brought me up to a couple of my favourite local views. I never tire of the climb as on arrival I am met with ever changing views of a beautiful part of the world.

This got me thinking about motivation through the off season, riding my bike and keeping fit is a circle of motivation and habit for me. Keep on going through the off season folks, there is snow on the hills, winter it is on it's way!

Kerry x



  1. Loving the first blog....and the mention of a squelchy bottom and rain tantrums, hope there are many more to come lol! xx

  2. Enjoyed reading about your biking adventures this week Kerry. Thanks

  3. Awww thanks for reading quines :-) Will be mud tantrums next lol! X
